BO78 	肯雅新品種多頭玫瑰 + 滿天星

BO78 肯雅新品種多頭玫瑰 + 滿天星

BO78     肯雅新品種多頭玫瑰 + 滿天星
10 Kenyan "Porcelain Lace" CLUSTARS (light pink & cream color combination spray rose),
Baby's Breath with Lavender Leaves and Foliage (wrapped in brown paper, butter paper
and clear cellophane).     (Clustars - a unique range of gardenesque style spray roses.
The Blooms are like miniature garden roses)

BO78 肯雅新品種多頭玫瑰 + 滿天星

# If the delivery date is sunday or holiday, please book before 4 p.m. of the previous working day.


  • Product Code: BO78
  • $838.00

