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BO101 99 Red Rose Bouquet - 99 Red Roses

BO101 99 Red Rose Flower Bouquet $2399 99 Red Roses with Foliage wrapped in Black Paper and Cellophane. (other rose colour avaiable: peach, purple or pink) ..


BO104 Propose Rose Flower Bouquet - 99 Red Rose

BO104 Propose Rose Flower Bouquet - 99 Red Rose 60 Red Roses and 39 White Roses with Foliage wrapped in Black Paper and Clear Cellophane. ..


BO105 99 Kenya Spray Mini Rose BIG Flower Bouquet

BO105 99 Kenya Spray Mini Rose BIG Flower Bouquet BIG Flower Bouquet of 99 Mix Kenya Spray Mini Roses (Red Mini Roses, Pink Mini Rose and White/Pink Mini Roses) and 5 Pink Hydrangea with Fol..


BO149 Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet Hong Kong 肯亞紅玫瑰花束

BO149-18 Kenya Red Roses Flower Bouquet 肯亞紅玫瑰花束 $1299 (如圖示)  18 Kenyan Red Roses with Dusty Miller and Seeded Eucalyptus Flower Bouquet BO149-24 Kenya Red Roses Flower Bouquet 肯亞紅玫瑰..


BO150-18 Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet

BO150-18 Kenyan Red Rose Flower Bouquet $1299 (as shown)    18 Kenya Red Roses with Eucalyptus and Foliage wrapped in White Paper and Cellophane. BO150-36 Kenyan Red Rose Fl..


BO151-33 Kenya Red Roses Flower Bouquet

BO151-33 33 Kenya Red Roses Flower Bouquet $2198 (as shown) 33 Kenya Red Roses with Eucalyptus, Lampstand & Foliage BO151-66 66 Kenya Red Roses Flower Bouquet $4298 66 Kenya Red R..


BO152-12 Red Rose Flower Bouquet 紅玫瑰花束

BO152-12 Red Rose Flower Bouquet Hong Kong 香港紅玫瑰花束  $780 (as shown) Flower Bouquet of 12 Red Color Roses with Eucalyptus Seed, Eucalyptus and Mix Foliage. BO152-18 Red Rose Flower Bou..


BO174 Lily Bouquet - White Lily and Red Rose Bouquet ( Sold Out )

BO174 Lily Bouquet - White Lily and Red Rose Bouquet $780 Flower Bouquet of 8 White Lilies, 10 Kenya Red Roses, Red Hypericum and 8 White Spray Veronica (or 12 White Veronica) with Eucalypt &a..


BO181 Red Rose Bouquet - Kenya Red Rose & Mini Rose

BO181 18 Kenya Red Roses + 5 Kenyan White Spray Roses $968 18 Kenyan Red Roses and 5 Kenyan White Spray Roses with Seeded Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus and Foliage (wrapped in black paper, butter pa..


BO182 Mini Rose Bouquet - Kenya Red Spray Mini Roses ( Sold Out )

BO182 Mini Rose Bouquet - Kenya Red Spray Mini Roses $980 15 Kenya Red Spray Mini Roses , White Ammi and Holland Snowball with Foliage Flower Bouquet wrapped with Butter Paper and Clear Cellphon..


BO183  Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet 肯亞​紅玫瑰

BO183-36  36 Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet $1999 (as shown) Flower Bouquet of 36 Kenya Red Roses with Foliage BO183-99 99 Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet $4388 Flower Bouquet of 3..


BO207-50 Red Roses Flower Bouquet Delivery Hong Kong

BO207-50 50 Red Roses 紅玫瑰花束 $1199 (As Shown) Flower Bouquet of 50 Red Roses with Eucalyptus Seed, Eucalyptus leave and Foliage. BO207-36 36 Red Roses 紅玫瑰花束 $999 Flower Bouquet of 36 Red Rose..


BO5-12 Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet – Online Order Flowers

BO5-12 12 Kenya Red Rose Flower Bouquet – Online Order Flowers Hong Kong $989 (as shown )  12 Kenya Red Roses, 6 Kenya Pink Alstroemeria and 1 Kenya (or Holland) Pink Hydrangea with Folia..


BO7 Kenya Red Roses + Holland Purple Hydrangea

BO7 Kenya Red Roses + Holland Purple Hydrangea Bouquet $1288 12 Kenya Red Roses, 2 Holland (or Kenyan) Purple Hydrangea, 3 Holland Eryngium and 5 Holland Panicum Fountain with Foliage wrap..


BO8-12 Red Rose Flower Bouquet

BO8-12 Red Rose Flower Bouquet $768 (as shown) Flower Bouquet of 12 Red Rose, Green Hypericum and Red Hypericum with Mix Foliage BO8-18 Red Rose Flower Bouquet $798 Flower Bouquet of 18..


BO90 Kenya Red Roses - Red Rose Flower Bouquet

BO9 Kenya Red Rose + Green Trick + Ping Pong Flower $980 Flower Bouquet of 12 Kenya Red Roses, 10 Green Trick and 6 White Ping Pong with Foliage wrapped in Black Paper  White Paper and Cle..


R11 Red Rose Heart Box and LOVE Bear

R11 Red Rose Heart Box and Love Bear 50 Red Roses and Hydrangea in a Heart Shaped Box, USA "Boyds" - Sugar Luvington 14" (fabric paw pads with coordinating neck and ear bow, e..


R16 I Love You Red Rose Flower Box

R16 I Love You Red Rose Flower Box $798 Now$650 I Love Box : 15 stem Red Roses and Jade Color Hydrangea in a Black Color Gift Box (65cm L x 25cm W x 10cm H)     ..

$798.00 $650.00

R17 Flower Box – Rose Flower in Box - Red Rose Heart in Box

R17  Flower Box – Rose Flower in Box - Red Rose Heart in Box $1080 Flower Arrangement of 36 Red Roses. Mini Red Roses and  Green Hydrangea in a Black Gift Box 30x30x6.5cm (12"x12"x7.5")..


R27 Rose Flower in Box – Kenya Red Spray Mini Roses in Box

R27 Rose Flower in Box – Kenya Red Spray Mini Roses in Box  Kenyan Red Spray Roses in Red Velvet Round Box 25x25x12cm (10"x10"x5").     ..


BO46 Red Rose Bouquet - Kenya Red Roses Flowers

BO46-12 12 Kenya Red Rose and Hydrangea $889 (as shown) 12 Kenya Red Roses and 3 Green Hydrangea with Foliage (wrapped in black paper and clear cellophane BO46-18 18 Kenya Red Rose a..


R60 I LOVE YOU Gund Bear - Boxed Rose Flower

R60 I LOVE YOU Gund Bear and Boxed Rose Flower 10 Red Roses and 10 White Rose in Black Box 20x20x12cm (8"x8"x5"). Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy com..

$618.00 $568.00

R64 Be Mine Bear and Red Rose Flower in Box

R64 Be Mine Bear and Red Rose Flower in Box - Hong Kong Rose Flower Shop  $698 Now$638 9 Red Roses, Hydrangea, Green Hypericum and Red Hypericum in Black Box (8"x8"x5"), Boyds Sweetie Lovingt..

$698.00 $638.00

BO68 Red Rose Flower Bouquet Hong Kong 99枝支紅玫瑰花束香港 (Sold Out)

BO68-36 Red Rose Flower Bouquet $998(as shown) 36 Red Roses with Foliage wrapped in red organza BO72-99 99 Red Rose Flower Bouquet $1848 99 Red Roses with Foliage wrapped in red organ..


R71 Red Rose in Heart Shaped Box - Gund Teddy Bear

R71 Red Rose in Heart Shaped Box - Gund Teddy Bear  $750 Now$638 Flower Arrangement of 9 Red Roses, Hydrangea, Veronica and Lisianthus in a Heart Shaped Box, Gund Mc Carthy Bear Plush 18" (a..

$750.00 $638.00

R72 Teddy Bear and Rose Flower Heart Box

R72 Huggable Chocolate Teddy Bear with a Rose Flower Heart Box $780 Now$650 Kenya Red Spray Mini Rose Flower and Green Hydrangea Flower in a Heart Shape Box (20cm x 8cm), Gund Philbin Choco..

$780.00 $650.00

BO78-24 Rose Bouquet - Red Rose Flower Bouquet

BO78-24 Red Rose Flower Bouquet $780 (as shown) 24 Red Roses wrapped in brown paper & clear cellophane (other rose color available: purple, yellow, ivory or white) BO78-36 Red Rose..


A5 Flower in Box - Red Rose in Box 紅玫瑰盒花 香港花店

A5 Flower in Box - Red Rose Flower in Box 紅玫瑰盒花香港花店  Floral Arrangement of 30 Red Roses, 3 Green Trick, Mini Red Roses, Echinops Ritro, Small Green Chrysanthemum with Ivy and Foliage in a ..


ADD-BE1  Gund teddy bear Hazel 15386 - Teddy Bear Shop Hong Kong

ADD-BE1  Gund Hazel Teddy Bear 15386 $198 Gund (Founded in 1898,  is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) -  Gund 15386 Hazel Teddy Bear 33cm (13"), a trad..


ADD-BE2 Gund Manni Teddy Bear - Teddy Bear Shop HK

ADD-BE2 Gund Manni Teddy Bear 15015 - Hong Kong Teddy Bear Shop $150 Gund (Founded in 1898,  is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) -  Gund 15015 Little..


ADD-BE3 Gund Philbin Chocolate Brown Teddy Bear L

ADD-BE3   Gund Philbin Chocolate Brown Teddy Bear Large  45cm $280 Now$180 Gund (Founded in 1898,  is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) -  Gund 320047 Ph..

$280.00 $180.00

ADD-BE6 Gund Gordy Plush Teddy Bear Delivery HK

ADD-BE6 Gund 15379 Gordy Plush Teddy Bear 45cm Delivery Hong Kong $250 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gordy Teddy Bear 45cm (18") 153..


ADD-BE10  Oppenheim toy portfolio award winnier

ADD-BE10   Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award Winnier - Gund Snuffles 20cm $128 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund 15164 Snuffles Wh..


ADD-BE11  Gund Snuffles 15165 White Bear 25cm

ADD-BE11  Gund Snuffles White Bear 25cm – Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award Winnier  $158 Now $98 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gu..

$158.00 $98.00

ADD-BE12 Gund Limited Edition Snuffles Bear 30週年特別限量版

ADD-BE12 Gund Limited Edition Snuffles 30週年特別限量版  $580 Now$198 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund 319934 30th Limited Edition..

$580.00 $198.00

ADD-BE13 Gund Downing Teddy Bear - bear bear熊

ADD-BE13  Gund Downing Teddy Bear 40cm - bear bear熊香港   $128 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund 21025 Downing Bear 40cm (16..


ADD-BE14 Gund Downing 210266 Bear Medium 53cm

ADD-BE14 Gund Downing Bear Medium 53cm   $168 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund 21026 Downing Bear Medium 53cm (21"), a super-..


ADD-BE15 Gund Downing Bear Large 66cm 香港泰迪熊仔毛公仔

ADD-BE15  Gund 21027 Downing Bear Large 66cm $280 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund 21027 Downing Bear Large 66cm (26"), a super-h..


ADD-BE16 Holding a Red Heart Gund Carthy 319997 Bear

ADD-BE16 Additional Gund Carthy Bear 45cm $198 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Carthy Bear 45cm (18") 319997 , a brown bear with acute beig..


ADD-BE18 Gund Corin Dark Brown Teddy Bear

ADD-BE18 Gund Corin Dark Brown Teddy Bear 15309 $128 Gund (recommended as the most adorable gift in USA) - Corin 15309 Dark Brown Teddy Bear 29cm (11.5"), this classic Gung teddy bear is a t..


ADD-BE19 Gund Corin Tan Teddy Bear Delivery HK

ADD-BE19 Gund Corin 15309 Tan Teddy Bear $128 Gund (recommended as the most adorable gift in USA) - Corin 15309 Tan Teddy Bear 29cm (11.5"), this classic Gung teddy bear is a traditional f..


ADD-BE29 Gund I LOVE YOU Dark Brown Bear 我愛你熊仔

ADD-BE29 Gund I LOVE YOU Dark Brown Bear $128 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - "I Love You" Dark Brown 28cm Message Teddy Bear (319714 Dar..


ADD-BE30 Gund I LOVE YOU Honey Brown Bear

ADD-BE30 Gund I LOVE YOU Honey Brown Bear $128 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - "I Love You" Dark Brown 28cm Message Teddy Bear (319714 ..


ADD-BE31 Gund I LOVE YOU Cream Teddy Bear 319714

ADD-BE31 Gund I LOVE YOU Cream Teddy Bear 319714 $128 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - "I Love You" Cream 28cm Message Teddy Bear (31971..


ADD-BE32 Gund Mr. Fuzzy Chocolate Teddy Bear Hong Kong

ADD-BE32 Gund Valentines My Fuzzy Valentine Bear   $138 Gund (The oldest manufacturer of soft toys in America) - Valentines My Fuzzy Valentine Teddy Bear 4031503,  a classical sweet plu..


ADD-BE42 Gund Party Cat Plush Toy Delivery Hong Kong

ADD-BE42   Gund Party Cat Plush Toy 4031022 Delivery Hong Kong $180 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund Party Cat 35cm (14") 403..


ADD-BE43 Dog-Lovers Birthday Gift – Gund Party Dog Plush Toy

ADD-BE43  Dog-Lovers Birthday Gift – Gund Party Dog Plush Toy 35cm $180 Gund (Founded in 1898 that is America's oldest and most prestigious soft toy company) - Gund Party Dog 35cm (14") 40310..


ADD-BE45 Gund Plush Yardley Sr Dog – Pluse Toy Shop Hong Kong

ADD-BE45 Gund Plush Yardley Sr Dog – Pluse Toy Shop Hong Kong "Gund" (America's Greatest Brands recognised by American Brands Council) - Gund Plush Yardley Sr Dog 13140 38cm (15") , This dog ..

$280.00 $88.00
